Here is what the viewers at the Without Your Head Horror Podcast / Severed Limbs 16 Film Festival about Slumber Party's NIGHTMARE and The Diana Doll this past Sunday!!!
"Loving the aesthetic in this one. The B&W grainy footage & sound design is really atmospheric. Really stands out with the performances too."
"Every Actor / Actress in this is great."
"Annabelle vibes... in the best way possible."
"This keeps getting better levels of weird!"
"Something about the homemade bizareness of this one is great!"
"So well made! Really loving this one! Hope You've submitted to a bunch of festival because I definitely see this cleaning up awards."
Thank you to Neal Jones, Annabelle Lecter of Without Your Head Horror Podcast and all their fans for their support of Slumber Party and NIGHTMARE!!!!!
We look forward to the awards announcement!!

#slumberpartythemovie, #slumberpartyprincessesrule, #horroranthology, #horrorfeaturefilm, #horrorfanatic, #horrorjunkie, #horrorcomedy, #thriller, #apocalypsehorror, #horroraction, #veganmary, #slumberpartyday23, #flappytheclown, #fertileblood, #slumberpartygoldenyears, #slumberpartynightmare, #ceofilmproduction, #independentfilmmaking, #independentfilm, #indpendenthorror, #welcometothebasement, #thinginthebasementhorrorfest, #AIMAFF, #krakeninternationalfilmfestival, #bestediting #BestSoundDesign, #BestSupportingActor, #besthorror, #thedianadoll, #besthorror